

I’m half-way, but the blogging had to start sometime!  We’re taking photos weekly and I’ll try to post weekly like last time, but make no promises.  Enjoy – the baking of baby #2!!

(Note: We’re calling our bundle “Tagine”, which is a slow-cooked dish of savory stew, typically made with sliced meat, poultry or fish with vegetables or fruit in Morocco – where we traveled to in April – and where we decided we were ready to expand our family again!)


Compare to Wyatt at 20 weeks

  • How Big Is Baby: A banana, about 6.5 inches long and weighing 10.2 ounces.  I have no idea what he/she is doing in there right now, lets just go with growing.
  • Sleep: Aside from up to pee a time or two, very good.  And since we said goodbye to Coog, Lady sleeps basically on my head, so I’m also getting a LOT of purring snuggles all night long.
  • Diet/Cravings/Aversions: So far this pregnancy, sweets (I know, I know – that could mean girl).  Specifically ice cream and lemonade.  No major aversions this time, which is different than last, aside from the aversion to EVERYTHING for the first 14 weeks.
  • Exercise: Chasing a 2.5 year old.  Also, walks as much as I can around the neighborhood and hiking in the mountains.
  • Sex: This is the only time I’ll have this bullet, because we’re not finding out!!  Guesses welcome!!
  • Movement: Started to feel flutters and jolts a week or two ago! My favorite part.
  • The Belly: As you’ll see from the progression below, I popped much earlier this time.  So, belly is prominent and round.
  • What I’m Loving: When Wyatt loves on my belly.  He will come up and yell, “HI BABY!”, and then give my belly a kiss.  This kid is going to be the best big brother around.
  • Worries: Having less one-on-one time with my sweet big boy.  He’s really into snuggling lately and playing board games and puzzles and I worry how the time away to take care of Tagine, will effect him.
  • Other Symptoms: The start of sciatica?!  Totally foreign to me as I didn’t experience at all last time, but by the end of the day sometimes I can barely walk normal my left butt is so sore!!  Will keep you updated on this fun one.
  • What I’m Looking Forward to: Our basement being completed, so I can start nesting!  We’re finishing the basement (should be done in about 3+ weeks), so once that is complete I will really work on the baby’s room, Wyatt’s new playroom, and my new workspace.  Also, the 20 weeks ultrasound next week where we can stare at the magic in my belly for two hours while they measure everything up.
  • Best Moment of the Week: The running hug I get at pick-up from pre-school on M/W/F’s.  Makes me tear up every time.  Love my big boy!!

Bump Progression…



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